Egg Donations


What is Egg Donations?

Egg donation is a reproductive process in which a woman (the egg donor) provides her eggs to another individual or couple (the intended parents) who are unable to conceive with their own eggs. Egg donation is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and is typically used in cases of female infertility, advanced maternal age, or genetic conditions that may be passed on to the child.


Egg donation process

  1. Egg Donor Selection: The intended parents or recipient couple can select an egg donor from a pool of candidates. Egg donors can be anonymous or known, depending on the arrangement and local regulations.
  2. Medical and Psychological Screening: The chosen egg donor undergoes a series of medical and psychological evaluations to ensure her suitability for the process. This includes testing for infectious diseases, genetic screening, hormonal testing, and a thorough medical history assessment.
  3. Synchronization of Cycles: Once the donor is cleared for the procedure, her menstrual cycle is synchronized with the recipient’s menstrual cycle using medications.
  4. Ovarian Stimulation: The egg donor takes medications to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs during a single cycle. This process is similar to the ovarian stimulation used in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  5. Egg Retrieval: When the eggs are mature, a minor surgical procedure is performed to collect the eggs from the donor’s ovaries. This procedure is typically done using a thin needle guided by ultrasound, and it is minimally invasive.
  6. Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are fertilized with the sperm of the intended father or a sperm donor in the laboratory through in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  7. Embryo Transfer: After fertilization, the resulting embryos are cultured for a few days. One or more healthy embryos are then selected and transferred into the uterus of the intended mother or surrogate.


Egg donation allows individuals or couples who are unable to use their own eggs to have a child genetically related to one of them. The procedure has a high success rate, but it can be emotionally and financially complex.


Egg donation can be done anonymously or with an open arrangement, and the legal, ethical, and social considerations may vary by location. It’s important for all parties involved to fully understand the legal and emotional aspects of egg donation, and to work with a fertility clinic and legal professionals experienced in reproductive medicine to ensure a clear and ethical process.


Who Should Go For Egg Donation?

Women who cannot produce eggs in sufficient number or of required quality and have been unable to conceive with the help of other ivf techniques should look at egg donation as an option.


How Are The Donors Screened For Egg Donation?

Women who are under the age of 33, have a healthy Reproductive system, have gone through at least one pregnancy preferably and are tested negative for hereditary diseases are utilized for egg collection.


Are There Legal And Emotional Repercussions To Egg Donations?

To avoid emotional Repercussions the donors are kept anonymous except when it is unavoidable. In the cases when the donor is already known to the patient or is a close female relative it is advisable to have a personal and legal understanding. The donor can put a stop to the process at any time up to the moment of Fertilization after that the embryo legally belongs to the patient.


Is Egg Donation A Paid Transaction?

The Indian government and the Indian society do not allow and approve of the selling and buying of eggs. Therefore we do not pay for eggs. Only women who altruistically share and donate their eggs are allowed. Although the Indian Council Of Medical Research is currently revising the laws on buying and selling of eggs so it maybe a possibility in the near future.